Nov 262017

The new Muscle Rack Shelves are looking amazing but the color was not what I wanted and the paint used, while about as durable as anything you’re gonna’ find at a big box store, is not up to the task of industrial shelving so its time to paint again.

Originally we decided on a bright, almost fluorescent green called Sherwin Williams Parakeet [SW 6711]. It is a soft tennis ball green color that reflects LED light very well, and somehow is not an eyesore (but be careful looking at it outside in direct sunlight! Total blindness). I got a few cans of Solo made up in this color and proceeded to prime the particle board shelves.

Solo goes on pretty thick and needed to be thinned about 30% before I could get an even light spray. It was applied in 3 thin coats to get good coverage but also because it just did not want to feed in my siphon gun. I love this old siphon gun, but its finicky and will fight you if you don’t get the paint and airflow just right.


Did you ever wonder what $1,120 in industrial enamel coatings looks like?

Well today is your lucky day because here is 3 gallons of Sherman Williams Sher-Cryl HPA, 3 gallons of Water-Based Industrial Enamel and 4 gallons of Solo (their home grade paint-plus-primer in an enamel base). That’s right 10 gallons of paint with the multi-gallon discount it still averages $110 per can.

But you know I’m a cheap bastard, so no way I paid that, not a chance.

Would you believe $11 dollars for all of it after tax? Well that’s what it cost.

This was definitely my lucky day.


Spraying took almost all day but I got them all coated and looking pretty good. They could actually use a sanding and second coat on the wear side just to make sure they hold up.

I’m really happy about the color, it’s a little bit lighter then the sample chip but it looks good in the LED lighting in the sweat-shop and garage.


If you interested in this project, and want to see the shelves in use, the first post about it can be found here: New “Muscle Rack” Shelving.