Jan 262018
Michigan Pattern House Axe

The Slammer: 3-1/4 lb. Michigan Pattern House Axe

So here is a fun little toy.

I got an unmarked Michigan pattern head a while back and I have been using it to experiment with different files and methods. It is good steel and probably has some years, but without a makers mark there is really no way to know much more about this head.

I ordered a hatchet handle on Amazon that turned out to be a house axe handle (full-sized eye on a 19-inch curved handle). A house axe is usually 1-1/2 to 2lbs much bigger than that and you end up with something that’s a little hard to control with one hand, but I just wanted to try something so I gave it a whirl and she came out pretty good.

A hatchet that can easily split 12-inch oak rounds with a single swing is something to see.

A fellow axe junky called it “the sawed-off shotgun of the axe world” and I think that’s quite fitting.

Facebook Post (private group): https://www.facebook.com/groups/AxeJunkies/permalink/1635872123118015/

Update 2/7/18: Yesterday Jess took the Slammer out and chopped some 18-inch red oak rounds. She’s a beast (the hatchet and Jess, lol)


Brian Paonessa

For the last 10 years I have been an Internet marketer and web developer with a passion for large system integration projects. I've spent the last few years working for a small fireworks company (Skylighter llc) helping individuals and government clients with pyrotechnic projects. my day to day tasks focus mostly on web development tasks and keeping the Skylighter email marketing machine pumping out good content and offers.